Drive Sales with Personalized
& Interactive Video

Wootag helps you increase your close rate by creating engaging video content that drives prospects to action. Go beyond just tracking video views—get insight on WHO is taking action at the individual prospect level.


Engage leads. Crush your quotas.

Easily create or repurpose video to design enagaging content
Get prospects to take specific actions
Identify if a prospect that's ghosted is still engaging
Track performance of outreach on a 1-to-1 basis

Watch your close rate soar. Get started today!

Connect With Your Leads
Like Never Before

Get Insights on Non-Responsive Prospects

Don't know if a prospect is interacting with sales content? With Wootag, you can see the percise point in time a prospect engages with video content.

Learn Which Sales Videos are Engaging

Recording personalized sales video to track prospect behavior is time consuming. With Wootag, sales leadership can identify what offers are engaging prospects across all reps.

Drive the Perfect Next Action

With clear visibility into the performance of each video, sales teams can drive prospects to take the exact next action that they want them to take.

Try it for yourself.

“Wootag has really opened up more opportunities for us to engage the SME market. Our engagement rates have gone up 10% in the 1st quarter we integrated Wootag into our videos, and we're confident that performance will be onwards and upwards from here.”

Markee Dela Cruz,
Globe myBusiness

Globe myBusiness logo

More Reasons to Love Wootag

ease of video creation

Ease of video access from Google Creator Studio and Zoom along with our own Wootagged Creative Automation and many more!

Integrated with various platforms like Creator Studio, Google Drive, Zoom and more to seamlessly convert and move slides to videos and webinars.

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distribution across email marketing

Distribution across Email marketing, Site Embed, Blogs, Messengers & more in store!

Let your target customer segments engage with your videos through Wootag Biz Player and Interactivity points across your Websites, Blogs, Mailers and build landing pages to be shared on messengers, sales decks and more.

run it across players like brightcotve

Run it across other players like Brightcove

Build Interactivity and Insights within videos distributed across Brightcove! In 3 easy steps, activate Wootag through your Brightcove dashboard and add that extra power to your sales and marketing videos.

integrate your leads

Integrate your leads, surveys, NPS forms across platforms.

Connect Wootag with Salesforce, Google Sheets, HubSpots, Oracle to transition leads directly onto these platforms. Furthermore, navigate your sales pipeline based on your audiences interest within the videos.

salesforce google-sheets hubspot
generate insights across your viewers

Like Website Insights you can now unlock Video Viewership Insights.

Generate Insights across how your viewers are engaging with your videos and build remarketing strategies.
